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Simulation of Free Surface Flows Last Updated: 25 July 2015 People: M.J. Chern Free surface flows are one of fundamental phenomena of fluid dynamics. Due to transient free surface boundary, it is not easy to capture complicated free surfaces such as a over-turning wave. The purpose of this project is to employ the pseudospectral method to simulate viscous fluid flows. The following figures demonstrate results. Fig. 1 shows a solitary wave past a semi-infinite submerged obstacle. The wave decomposition was found. Fig. 2 reveals an impulse wave interacting with a surface piercing cylinder. Reflection and diffraction were observed. Details can be found in 1. Vaziri N., Chern, M.J. and Borthwick, A.G.L. 2015 Effects of base aspect ratio on transient resonant fluid sloshing in a rectangular tank: A numerical study.” Ocean Engineering 105, 112-124. (SCI, EI) [Full Text] 2. Chern, M.J. and Syamsuri, S. 2013 “Effect of corrugated bed on hydraulic jump characteristic using SPH method.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE) 139, 221-232. (SCI, EI) [Full Text] 3. Chern, M.J., Vaziri N., Syamsuri S. and Borthwick A.G.L. 2012 “Pseudospectral solution of three-dimensional non-linear sloshing in a shallow water rectangular tank. “ Journal of Fluids and Structures 35160-184. [Full Text]. 4. Vaziri N., Chern, M.J. and Borthwick A.G.L. 2012 “Fully non-linear simulation of second-order resonance in a three-dimensional tank using the PSME method.” Applied Ocean Research 37, 22-32. [Full Text] 5. Vaziri N., Chern, M.J. and Borthwick A.G.L. 2011 “Pseudospectral 6. Hsieh, C.M., Hwang, R.R., Chern, M.J. and Chen, Y.Y. 2008 “On studies of a solitary wave interaction with a submerged breakwater.” 15th National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. [Full Text] 7. Chern, M.J., Borthwick, A.G.L. and Eatock Taylor, R. 2005 “Pseudospectral element model forfree surface viscous flow.” International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 15, 517-554. The paper has been chosen as one of Highly Commended Papers at Emerald Literati Network 2006 Awards for Excellence. [Full Text] 8. Sue, I.C., Chern, M.J. and Hwang, R.R. 2005 Interaction of progressive viscous waves with a submerged obstacle Ocean Engineering 32, 893-923. [Full Text] 9. Chern, M.J., Borthwick, A.G.L. and Eatock Taylor, R. 2001. Simulation of non-linear free surface motions in a cylindrical domain using a Chebyshev-Fourier spectral collocation method International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 36, 465-496. [Full Text] 10. Chern, M.J., Borthwick, A.G.L. and Eatock Taylor, R. 1999 . “A poseudospectral
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